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Build G-0.9.9 | Ryzen 5 3600 with RX 580 | Ryzen Gaming PC

Build G-0.9.9 | Ryzen 5 3600 with RX 580 | Ryzen Gaming PC


Build G-0.7.9 | Ryzen 5 2600 Gaming PC with GTX 750TI | Ryzen Gaming Build

Build G-0.7.9 | Ryzen 5 2600 Gaming PC with GTX 750TI | Ryzen Gaming Build

Ryzen 5 3500x Gaming PC without GPU | Ryzen Gaming PC


Processor –> Ryzen 5 3500x
Motherboard –> A320M
Ram –> 8GB DDR4
SSD –> 128 GB
Case –> 1st Player A7

Out of stock


Full Specs:

Processor –> Ryzen 5 3500x -NEW!

CPU Cooler –> GW-300 -NEW!

Motherboard –> A320M -NEW!

Ram –> 8GB 3200MHZ -NEW!

SSD –> 128 GB SATA 6GBP/s -NEW!

Hard Drive –> 500GB -USED!

Casing –> 1st Player A7 -NEW!

Power Supply–> 430W/450W  -Used!

Ryzen 5 3500x Gaming PC.

Just pair a good GPU of your choice and the Gaming PC will be capable of running all the latest games at 1080p 60 fps easily, with 6 cores and 6 threads power to help you in gaming and CPU-intensive tasks.

Ryzen Gaming PC With 8GB 3200 MHz rams and 128 SSD + 500gb storage, a build capable of running most of the latest titles at high settings.

Play your favorite games with the best specs and stream them without any hassle!

“TechMathced offers a price-beating policy for its customers. If you find anyone selling at less price than us, you can simply contact us and we’ll beat the price for you.

Read here in detail about Price-Beating Policy.”

“Check Out more Builds here in a similar budget”

Additional information

Weight 8 kg

1-year for the new products
2-weeks for used


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