Full Specs:
Processor –>Â intel i7 4770
Motherboard –>Â Asus B85 ( 4 ram Slots)
Ram –>Â 16GB DDR3
SSD –>Â 128 GB
Hard Drive –>Â 500GB
Graphic Card –>Â Zotac GTX 1650
Casing –>Â Corsair Spec 01
Used i7 4th Gen PC, i7 4770 Paired with Gtx 1650 Graphic Card
For the optimal performance for the modern games with the latest GPU.16 GB ram for the lag-free gaming especially for new games like warzone and SSD storage for faster boot speed with 500GB hard drive storage for storing games.
[aux_highlight style=”aux-highlight-red” extra_classes=””]Note: Some pieces do not have the same thermal take 430w power supply .[/aux_highlight]
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